Adventure called Tvář

In today's climate defined by trends of the latest banalities, clip-vision, sketchy writing and quick-reading barking, we would like to bring a reminder of quality lyrics that are written for life. Although they were published in the 1960s, they still allow us to distinguish the real from the delusional and the wise from the foolish well today. That is why we have made available on what the unique editorial team of the monthly magazine Tvář (Face) put together in 1964-5 and 1968-9 (the magazine was banned twice by the communist regime at that time) out of the need of the soul and to orient the life of themselves and others.

We are publishing all the issues of the magazine, the original version of the first issue from 1968, which was edited by the editors after the Russian invasion, and the seventh issue from 1969, which, although fully prepared, was never published because the magazine was banned for the second and final time. You will also find two collections of Podoby (Images) that were published after Tvář was banned for the first time. They were prepared in 1966-7 (the second of which, due to the publishing deadlines at the time, was not finally published until 1969). You can see "Faces of the monthly Tvář" - a photographic documentation of the opening at which the Faces anthology, published a year earlier by TORST, was presented in 1996. This was done in the presence of, among others, President Václav Havel, Prime Minister Václav Klaus, Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies Milan Uhde and Minister of Culture Pavel Tigrid (the first two were among the tribal collaborators of Tváře). Here we have selected several articles about the importance of the magazine by Bohumil Doležal and Zdeněk Vašíček.



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